3….2.. wait not yet- we still have a few days before the New Year’s celebrations begin, but did you make your resolution yet? It is that looming question on everybody's mind, but where do you start to even divulge the list of changes you hope to enact in the year to come. Take a deep breath and try not to panic, and let’s see if my short guide to resolution setting can ease you through this stressful time of year.
My first piece of advice in differentiating between my needs from my wants for the upcoming year is with a good, old fashioned list. Never underestimate the value of physically writing something down, putting it in an intuitive order from most to least supportive as they come to you naturally, and allow yourself to step back and observe all of the notions you just put on the table. Although it might not feel like it yet, you actually have already taken the first step toward what I consider a mindful transition to achieve our New Year's resolutions. I sometimes like to take it one step further by after completing my list to my best ability (and you are always welcome to add and delete- there are no real rules here), I start to go, one-by-one, through the items and visualize their success. I’m sure you have heard it before, something along the lines of: you must see it to believe it, and it’s many other variations- but it works! I implore you to try this practice while beginning to set your New Year’s resolutions. Another practice I find supportive when beginning to contemplate the goals for the year to come is through meditation and mindfulness practices. These can manifest in so many ways from yoga or workout classes, to healing self-care routines such as abayanga, Ayurvedic oil massage, or a simple date with nature. I find my most clear-minded states when grounded in the forest, surrounded by the scent of pines, cedars, and junipers, in a space where I feel I am able to connect to my intentions most acutely. It is important to find a practice that fits well with yourlifestyle, that feels safe, and that allows you the space to explore even the silliest of notions. Our goals and intentions for the New Year may not be as clear-cut as we may have hoped, so by tapping into a more mindful sate, I find that the clutter begins to clear and the truly supportive ideas shine. Lastly, herbal allies have always been there for me in times of confusion or intense desire, when all I want is to make that thing happen and I become fixated on whether I fail or succeed. This year, instead of letting these feelings of doubt and control come over you, befriend and herb that allows you to escape these negative feelings of self. Thymoleptic herbs, or mood enhancing botanicals, work to both nourish and uplift the nervous system, helping us to shake the rollercoaster of emotions. When I am in a pinch, and need to escape overwhelming feelings, I lean on my tincture preparations of herbals and when I have a longer moment to unwind, I like to indulge in a variety of herbal teas, such as Chamomile, Lavender, and Skullcap- to name a few favorites. Here at Breeze Botanicals we are fortunate to carry Sun God Medicinals compounded formulation of herbal tinctures, teas, and topicals that are formulated for the intentions of supporting the nervous system and to nourish tissues throughout the body; this enables us to feel more-centered and ready to tackle any New Year’s resolution we have decided to set. Products such as the Heka and Hercules lines of teas, tinctures, and topicals, provide a variety of nervous tension relief and may help support a clearer mind, helping you to be more precise when setting those personal goals for the upcoming year. Also, for a more in-depth consultation, we have a clinical herbalist on staff who is ready to support you as we move into the New Year- reserve an appointment today and start your year with positive change!
Are you ready for that holiday feast? Those decadent foods, rowdy conversations, and luxurious desserts- it all sounds great in theory, but what about that mid-meal heartburn or grumbles that have you running for the bathroom? We have all been there before, that uncomfortable urgency, when our digestion is just out of whack. This very normal occurrence can be attributed to so many things from the physical food we are consuming, to the emotions we are experiencing as we eat our meal. Each of these details plays a key role in our body's overall ability to metabolize nutrients and utilize them for our general well-being.
Myself, I live with chronic digestive ailments, so this blog post is near to my heart. A practice that has resonated with me personally is before I begin eating, I take a solid, one-minute moment to close my eyes and be grateful- it can be for the food on my plate, my health, my loved ones, and so on. I find that this practice not only allows me to tap into a more uplifted emotional state, but also provides me with a moment to check in with entire body on an anatomic level- how hungry am I, what will support me most on my plate, what am I craving? All of these observations provide keen insight into how we are each uniquely wired, how we require completely different approaches to our diets and cultural practices around food. There is another, very researched reasoning behind my mealtime ritual, and that is the basis of the gut-brain connection. The intimate relationship between the gastrointestinal tract and the nervous system is providing much insight and explanation into the occurrence of digestive upsets while eating when stressed or depressed, or the more long term effects of recurrent negative eating experiences. The research provided by Harvard Medical School delves deeper into this fascinating connection, and possible ways to identify stress before it affects your overall health. There are many other ways to support the digestive system, and of course a favorite of ours is with the power of herbs. There are so many bioregional offerings that can support both our digestion and our stress response, supporting a healthy digestive process. Botanicals such as Dandelion leaves and root and Burdock root are both nourishing and stimulating to the digestive system, providing both intestinal and liver support. Saint John's Wort and Lemon Balm both provide thymoleptic and adaptogenic effects, meaning they help to increase the mood and decrease feelings of nervous tension, and also help us to adjust to changing situations by stabilizing nervous system. Here at Breeze Botanicals we carry products compounded with these, and other supportive herbs, that are specifically formulated to help you break stressful eating patterns, cultivate a more peaceful space during mealtimes, and overall nourish our systems to allow them to work at their full potential. Please stop by either store location to speak with one of our trained staff members, or for more complex inquiries, we provide one-on-one consultations with our clinical herbalist- reserve your appointment today! What a joyful time of the year! The holidays are an important time to express gratitude for our family and friends and to take the time to relax and recharge our bodies. We also recognize that the holidays can be a major source of stress and anxiety for so many individuals.
Unfortunately, stress can play a major role in the overall health of our bodies- higher states of stress have been shown to cause increased chances for general illness, fatigue, distorted appetite, and disrupted sleep patterns. There are many ways to mitigate the nervous tension and overload during this holiday season by including practices into your daily routine leading up to these gatherings or events such as meditation and yoga, herbal teas and aromatherapy, taking a steam or sauna, self-message, journaling, finding your creative outlet, and most importantly- setting boundaries before guests arrive or before heading to an event. Setting boundaries is an easy way to protect your sanity while participating in the comradery that accompanies these seasonal gatherings. This could look like setting start and end times for your party if your hosting, or by letting family know topics you wish not to discuss before you arrive. These simple expressions may help relieve unwanted pressure and allow you to focus on what is most important to you this holiday season. At Breeze Botanicals stores we carry products handcrafted by Sun God Medicinals that are specifically formulated to support the nervous system, and more precisely those feelings of worry, fear, and nervous tension. By using neuroprotective herbs such as Milky Oat Tops and Skullcap, and relaxing thymoleptic herbs such as Lemon Balm and Passionflower, these pre-compounded tinctures provide a variety of adrenal system support and promote a general sense of peace. These and other supportive herbs, such as Cannabis, can be found compounded into the Heka line of tinctures, elixirs, and teas- which are specifically formulated to support the nervous system and to nourish the brain tissue. We also have a trained staff of professionals available at both Breeze Botanical store locations for any further questions about any specific herbs or products that we may carry. We also offer one-on-one herbal consultations with our clinical Herbalist on staff as both Breeze Botanical locations. Click here to learn more and book your appointment today. |
AuthorsThe Herbalist Team at Breeze Botanical's uses our collective educational experiences and on-going thirst for knowledge to normalize the conversation around herbs and to demystify the world of herbal medicine. Join us on this journey and embrace the plants around you. Archives
May 2024